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20 Reasons To Hate Trendy

adrianna williams via

According to, Trendy is defined as "very fashionable". (bullet). Most dictionaries( online) associate the definition of 'trendy' with fashionable which I believe is very untrue. 'Trendy' means 'currently popular'.  My definition of 'currently popular' doesn't mean fashionable because meaty shoes could be currently popular, but not fashionable. You should not like the idea of 'trendy' because

  1. Trendy is too trendy
  2. Trendy doesn't not define real fashion
  3. Trendy does not speak your style
  4. Trendy is costly
  5. Trendy is trouble
  6. Trendy is illegal
  7. Trendy is unnecessary spending spree
  8. Trendy is abandoning fashionable clothes
  9. Trendy is a new awkward product
  10. Trendy is a pain in the butt
  11. Trendy is waste of college fund
  12. Trendy is always changing 
  13. Trendy is what's going to happen to your old clothes
  14. Trendy is incomplete
  15. Trendy is not the real me
  16. Trendy is not the real you
  17. Trendy is what was I thinking then
  18. Trendy is R.I.P reasonable fashion.
  19. Trendy is not unique.
  20. Trendy is going to be an ugly and funny vintage.
Bonus: Trendy is on everybody
Do you hate trendy? Do you love trendy? Let your voice be heard below.

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